MiniWorld Cup Game

A real time P2E game that cheers the fans even after the tournament ends. The feature rich design of this concept is its reward system itself and that’s primarily based on an inevitable reason called


  • It's a regular world level football tournament inspired game as the name states with a pack of 32 players onboard to run a league each representing a country and go against each other based on the categorizations and grouping.

  • Players need to secure the NFT of their preferred country in order to participate in the game.

  • The group is based on the selection of random countries in a pack of 4 who plays agains each other. So totally 8 groups of teams will be playing to lead their way out for success.

  • This is a single player game per team basis designed to be a clean one which lets a player fully depend on his efforts to snatch away the rewards and prices.

  • There are several rounds and players need to qualify on each round to advance in their game.

  • The rules and regulations are almost similar to some of the best tournaments in football.

  • There is entry fee of 2 SFP tokens for Fans as viewers and entry fee of 50 MWC tokens for Players as participants

Reward system

The primary utility of the Players NFTs is its fair and straight forward reward system. Each player as he/she succeeds on their participation in the leagues conducted will be rewarded with a defined amount of tokens. Apart from the rewards offered, this token is also a collectible once its span of 4 years comes to an end and thereafter that a new NFT will be issued which acts as a renewal of the utility to start receiving the rewards. Though the rewards are not offered after 4 years, the game participation through the NFTs are still allowed for an unstoppable stream of players’ enthusiasm. Here the rewards are offered with MWC tokens.

The reward schedule and Fees for participation.

The Ecosystem

The MiniWorld Cup game directs a reward mechanism that channels and loops all the other NFT holders into the system by sharing with them a portion of rewards gained through the successful completion of each game for a longer duration of time. This brings in an added value to the Fans pass apart from being a beautiful piece of collectible.

  • For every game the 32 players play and win the rewards are going to be distributed

  • Player NFTs being the primary reward holders takes 70% of the rewards with a considerable amount of entry fee.

  • Fans take a small portion of the earnings, say 20% for every game.

  • Stadium owners will also be making rewards but only 10% of the total earning with no other intervention except than holding it.

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