
  • An ethereum network powered single token system designed to serve the users with P2E game and a ecosystem of participants and NFT holders.

  • A football inspired gaming concept with an even and fair distribution of rewards system.

  • A definitive gameplay mechanism where the players don't need to rely on other team members for rewards. It's solely based on their advancement in the game and Rankings.

  • Player NFTs are the primary sets to take part in the game. These are exclusively designed with only 8000 collection in total.

  • Long standing and sustainable tokenomics that underpins various integrations to be smart enough in any market condition. A structure that's designed to carry its presence and functionality for decades.

  • A well calibrated vesting for a control over any unpredicted chances of negative influence.

  • Burning and Buyback implications to ensure the system stays deflationary for a long period of time.

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